Tax Audit Problems & Solutions FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ON E-FILLING OF TAX AUDIT PROBLEMS – TECHNICAL ISSUES 1. STEPS FOR FILLING ONLINE TAX AUDIT REPORT What are the steps to be followed for E-filling of Tax Audit Report? Step 1- One Time Registration of Chartered Accountant at E-filling website Step 2 – Login to Assessee […]
Category Archives: Income Tax
Income Tax is the tax which directly levy on income of any personal.Central Board of Direct tax manage all the things related Direct Tax.
PROCEDURE TO E-FILE TAX AUDIT REPORT Pursuant to amendment in rule 12 of the Income Tax Rules, by the notification no 42 dated 11/6/2013, the following proviso has been inserted in sub- rule (2) of rule 12 of eflie of tax audit report
What happens if you miss the deadline to file tax returns? It’s the time when tax returns filing is a priority in every taxpayer’s mind. Individuals have salary income whose total income exceeds Five Lac are mandatory to file their income tax returns. Significant relief for e-filing for this category of taxpayers is no need to get a digital signature. […]