Pension rule on retirement before Ten years of service, know here what new changes

Pension rule on retirement before Ten years of service, know here what new changes

The government has clarified the conditions related to the pension calculation of central employees. Central employees have to serve at least 10 years to get the pension, but the government has clarified the conditions for pension calculation for employees who have already been out of service or have left before completing this service period. have done.

Under the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules 2021, the conditions for the grant of pensions to Central Government employees have been issued by the Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare (DoPPW). The department has clarified how the pension amount will be calculated for central government employees. Explain that the pension is calculated at the rate of fifty percent of the total or average wages. Under this, the minimum pension of central employees can be Rs 9,000 per month, while the maximum pension can be Rs 1,25,000.

pension eligibility rules

A Government servant who retires under Rule 33, Rule 34, Rule 35, Rule 36, Rule 37, Rule 38, or Rule 39 after completing at least ten years of qualifying service is eligible for pension.

The department said that to compute the eligibility service, three months and above is considered a complete period of six months and is counted as qualifying service for getting a pension.

If a Central Government employee has worked for nine years and nine months or more but less than ten years, his qualifying service shall be ten years and he shall be eligible for pension as per the rules.

A Government servant who retires on inadmissible pension under Rule 39 before completing ten years of qualifying service shall also be eligible for a pension calculated on fifty percent of gross or average emoluments.

If such employees fulfill the conditions of sub-rule (9) of rule 39, the minimum qualifying service of ten years for the grant of pension shall not be applicable.

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