Latest FAQS about GSTR Forms,due dates,Input Credit,RCM and GSTR 2A

Latest FAQS about GSTR Forms,due dates,Input Credit,RCM and GSTR 2A

Q 1. What about GSTR Forms due date for filing of FORM GSTR-1, for the month of August?

Ans: The Due date for August will be notified soon.

Q 2. If income is nil, are returns mandatory?

Ans: Yes, once you are registered, filing of returns is compulsory. In this case, you can show the turnover as zero (nil return).

Q 3. GST paid on motor car insurance and repairs/maintenance qualifies for input tax credit or not?

Ans: Yes only in those cases where the input tax credit on motor cars is admissible in terms of section 17(5) of CGST Act.

Q 4. We receive transport services. Can we take ITC of 5% paid under RCM.

Ans: Yes, tax paid under RCM is an eligible input tax credit.

Q 5. In case of hotel room rent declared tariff rate is Rs 8000 but discounted price is Rs 6000 what rate should be levied 28 or 18?

Ans: It will be 28% but GST would be payable on the transaction value of Rs. 6000/-.

Q 6. What is the last date for filing GSTR 3B for Sept ’17?

Ans: 20 October, 2017. Kindly refer to Notification No. 35/2017 — Central Tax dt 15th September, 2017

Q 7. Whether person liable to pay GST under RCM is required to take compulsory registration ?

Ans: Yes as per section 24(iii) of CGST Act.

Q 8. Do taxpayers have to file GSTR 2A?

Ans: Taxpayers are not required to file GSTR 2A. taxpayer can have a record of all the invoices received from various supplier taxpayers in a given tax period as it is a read-only document.

Q 9. For how long can Receiver Taxpayer view GSTR 2A?

Ans: GSTR 2A of a tax period will remain available for view till a taxpayer submits/files his GSTR 2. However, GSTR 2A for a given tax period will be available for viewing and/or downloading in taxpayer’s post-login section of the GST portal.

Q 10. How is GSTR 2A updated?

Ans: The details become available to the receiver taxpayer for view only and the details are updated incrementally as and when supplier taxpayers uploads or change their details in their respective GSTR 1, for the given tax period.

Q 11. What is GSTR 2A?

Ans: GSTR 2A is a system generated ‘draft’ Statement of Inward Supplies for a Receiver Taxpayer. Taxpayer cannot make any changes to GSTR 2A, as it is a read-only document.

Taxpayers please note, as per law during 11th to 31st October, 2017, taxpayers will not be able to file GSTR 1.

As per law during 11th to 31st October, 2017 (time GSTR 2, for July, 2017), taxpayer will not be able to file GSTR 1

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