Send Form 16,Form 16A automatically

Send Form 16,Form 16A automatically

How can we save Time, Energy and Resources by Sending Form 16, Form 16A and other Forms automatically ? Simply by using the Powerful Tool Microsoft Excel!!

Let us say you want to send Salary Slips to Employees on a monthly basis or Form 16 to Employees on a yearly basis or Form 16A to Deductees on a quarterly basis or any other Personnel specific attachment.

Many Companies/Businesses send these Forms in hard copy by couriering it to the receiving Party which calls for the Courier cost and the company’s resources. Sending this via e-mail will save the courier cost and the company’s resources, but still there would be human time and energy involved. Let us look at a Procedure created in Microsoft Excel which can help you minimize the human time and energy by automating the process.

Let us say you have downloaded Form16A from the TDS CPC website and are ready to send it. (Note that Form 16A can be send via e-mail only if it is digitally signed. If it is signed manually then sending a hard copy is mandatory).

I have attached herewith a Sample Automated Tool wherein you just need to put in the Deductee Name, PAN Number and E-mail ID alongwith few General Details viz Assessment Year, Quarter, Location of Form 16A and the Deductor details and all the Form 16A’s are sent just with a click of the Command button. Download the Excel Sheet “Sending Form 16A

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