How to prepare Financial Reporting’ subject of CA Final?

How to prepare Financial Reporting’ subject of CA Final?

Here I am discussing about to prepare financial reporting subject for ca final .

As you are going to fight with ca final examination in November 2014, Financial reporting is the best scoring subject if you prepare with trick ,We have to study and understand as it is going to be part of our day to day life after being Chartered Accountant. ICAI is also expect expertise knowledge in this subject .

Now Let me know to describe in brief about this subject thoroughly.

At first you have to require to prepare list of topic of your syllabus like making index Instead,

Before starting actual preparations you should keep following things in mind –

Corporate Section like amalgamation,absorption,merger,reconstruction ,take over,consolidation of financials are practical and scoring topics that also cover more than 25% of full syllabus.

As all Accounting standards is important so you should never try to take it sample basis

You have to devote your sufficient time for good study like Ten to Fifteen Days

Solve every question by yourself .

always prepare Balance Sheet in revised schedule and formats with notes on accounts

Solve all topics in details and understand conceptual points supporting each topic.

Try to solve again and again as you can with the help of Practice Manual.

never underweight topics like Value Added Statements, H R Accounting, Mutual funds, NBFC etc.

Try mock tests at the end of preparation.

And the most important thing that always manage time for revision .

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