Key features of NSDL Form 24G RPU / File Utility Version 1.4 w.e.f 26.12.2014
Form 24G Return Preparation Utility (RPU) and File Validation Utility Version 1.4 for the Form 24G Statements from FY 2005-06 onwards released (26/12/2014).Key features of NSDL Return Preparation Utility (RPU) version 1.4
Quoting of structurally valid TAN of DDO: Quoting of structurally invalid TAN of DDO has been no more i.e., values quoted, that do not conform the structural validity of TAN (including “TANNOTAVBL” , “TANAPPLIED” and “TANINVALID”) will not be allowed/validated by RPU.
Integration of RPU and latest File Validation Utility (FVU): On creation of file through RPU, the same will also be validated by the File Validation Utility i.e., user will not be required to again validate file (created by RPU) through FVU.
Generation of Form 24G report in pdf format
Auto populated values for below fields in Form24G :
Name of responsible person
Date of preparation of Form 24G .
Return Preparation Utility version 1.4, will be applicable with immediatelly i.e., from December 27, 2014 onwards.