Service Tax Rates Since Inception and nowonwards w.e.f. 01.06.2015


service tax Rates since 1994 and now onwards  w.e.f. 01.06.2015

Service tax Rates and inclusion and exclusions of services changed over period of time .

Now the Rates w.e.f. 01.06.2015 will be 14%


Sr. No. Period Rate of Service Tax Rate of Education Cess Rate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Cess
1 1-7-1994 to 13-5-2003 5% Nil Nil
2 14-5-2003 to 9-9-2004 8% Nil Nil
3 10-9-2004 to 17-4-2006 10% 2% of S.T. Nil
4 18-4-2006 to 31-5-2007 12% 2% of S.T. Nil
5 1-6-2007 to 23-2-2009 12% 2% of S.T. 1% of S.T.
6 24-2-2009 to 31-3-2012 10% 2% of S.T. 1% of S.T.
7 1-4-2012 to 31-5-2015 12% 2% of S.T. 1% of S.T.
8 1-6-2015 Onwards 14% Nil Nil

Compound rates of service tax

Nature of


Compound Rate

Till 31-5-2015

Compound Rates from

1-6-2015 Onwards

Booking of tickets for Air Travel Provided by air travel agents

 0.6% on the basic fare in case of domestic booking.

1.2% on the basic fare in case of international booking.

0.7% on the basic fare in case of domestic booking.

1.4% on the basic fare in case of international booking.

Insurer carrying on life insurance business

On the gross premium charged from the policyholder reduced by the amount allocated for investment ans savings on behalf of policyholder.

In all other cases, 3% of the premium charged in the first year and 1.5% of premium charged in subsequent year.

On the gross premium charged from the policyholder reduced by the amount allocated for investment ans savings on behalf of policyholder.

In all other cases, 3.5% of the premium charged in the first year and 1.75% of premium charged in subsequent year

Purchase or sale of foreign currency including money changing
  1. 0.12% of gross amount of currency exchanged for an amount up to ₹ 1 lac subject to minimum amount of ₹ 30.
  2. ₹ 120 and 0.06% of the gross amount of currency exchanged for an amount exceeding ₹ 1 lac and up to ₹ 10 lacs.
  3. ₹ 660 and 0.012% of gross amount of currency exchanged for an amount exceeding ₹ 10 lacs but subject to maximum amount of ₹ 6000.
  1. 0.14% of gross amount of currency exchanged for an amount up to ₹ 1 lac subject to minimum amount of ₹ 35.
  1. ₹ 140 and 0.07% of the gross amount of currency exchanged for an amount exceeding ₹ 1 lac and up to ₹ 10 lacs.
  1. ₹ 770 and 0.014% of gross amount of currency exchanged for an amount exceeding ₹ 10 lacs but subject to maximum amount of ₹ 7000.
Distributors and selling agents or persons assisting in organizing lottery
  1. ₹ 7000 on every ₹ 10 lacs (or part of 10 lacs) of aggregate face value of lottery provided, where guaranteed price pay out is more than 80%
  2. ₹ 11000 on every ₹ 10 lacs (or part of ₹ 10 lacs) of lottery provided, where guaranteed price payout is less than 80%
  1. ₹ 8200 on every ₹ 10 lacs (or part of 10 lacs) of aggregate face value of lottery provided, where guaranteed price pay out is more than 80%
  1. ₹ 12800 on every ₹ 10 lacs (or part of ₹ 10 lacs) of lottery provided, where guaranteed price payout is less than 80%
Education Cess and Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Cess Charged separately Cess has been abolished.

Effective Rates after Abatement (Including Cess)

Nature of Service Compound Rate Till 31-5-2015 Compound Rates from 1-6-2015 Onwards
Works Contract
Option I Gross Amount – Value of goods 12.36% 14%
Option II(a) 40% in case of Original Works 4.944% 5.60%
b) 70% in remaining cases 8.652% 9.80%
Restaurant Services 4.944% 5.60%
Outdoor Catering 7.416% 8.40%
Financial Leasing and Hire Purchase 1.236% 1.40%
Transport of goods by rail 3.708% 4.20%
Transport of passengers by rail 3.708% 4.20%
GTA 3.708% 4.20%
Bundled Services (Food + Rent, etc) 8.652% 9.80%
Transport of passengers by air
Economy class 4.944% 5.60%
Other class 7.416% 8.40%
Room Rent 7.416% 8.40%
Renting of Motor Cab 4.944% 5.60%
Transport of passengers by a contract carriage other than motor cab and by a radio taxi 4.944% 5.60%
Transport of goods in a vessel 3.708% 4.20%
Tour Operator Services
(a) Package Tour 3.09% 3.50%
(b) Booking Accomodation 1.236% 1.40%
(c) Other than above 4.944% 5.60%
Construction of complex
(a) Residential complex of area less than 2000 sq ft and amount charged is less than ₹ 1 Crores. 3.09% 3.50%
(b) Other complexes 3.708% 4.20%

SWACHH BHARAT CESS – Notified on 15.11.2015 @ 0.50%

Krishi Kalyan Cess           – Notified on 01.06.2016 @ 0.50%


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