Due date for furnishing 15G/15H declarations

Due date for furnishing 15G/15H declarations

CBDT has vide Notification No 1/2016 Dated: 09th June, 2016 notified due date for furnishing 15G/15H declarations for the period from 10.10.2015 to 31.03.2016 and for the period starting from 01.04.2016.

The due date for quarterly furnishing of 15G/15H declarations received by the payer from 1.4.2016 onwards shall be:

Sl. No Date of ending of the quarter of the financial year Due Date
(1) (2) (3)
1 30th June 15th July
2 30th September 15th October
3 31st December 15th January
4 31st March 30th April
The declarations received during the period 1.10.2015 to 31.3.2016 should be filed on or before 30th June 2016.

Earlier, TDS return for June was required to be filed by 31st July, for Septmber by 31st October, for December by 31st January, for March by 31st May as per CBDT Notification No. 30/2016 dtd. 29-04-2016.

No separate date was prescribed for 15G/15H. However now, separate dates for uploading 15G/15H have been provided vide Notification No 1/2016 Dated: 09th June, 2016.

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